How can I contact you?
You can reply to your order's confirmation email, open a support ticket, or send us an email at
How can I access and manage my subscription services?
You can access your subscriptions to view, edit or cancel by logging into your account and then going to "Manage Subscriptions". If you need any help reach out to our support team.
Can I get a refund?
We will issue you a full refund or credit if your order is not delivered. We are unable to refund completed orders.
Can I cancel my order?
We are unable to cancel in progress or pending orders. If your order is not completed within 72 hours, we will refund or credit you.
Can I cancel my subscription service?
Yes, of course. If you need to cancel your subscription for any reason, you can do so by logging into your account then going to "Manage Subscriptions" and click the cancel button. If you need any help reach out to our support team.
Can I get a free trial?
Absolutely! We offer free test samples for most of our services. Message support with the required URL or username and the name of the service in your request. Please specify what you are seeking to test to ensure accurate service delivery.
Do I need to give you my password?
Absolutely not. We will never ask you for such sensitive information. All we need is your username or URL depending on what you ordered.
Can my account stay private?
No. We can not detect new posts on your account and won't be able to complete your order. Please make sure your account is set to public so we can fulfill your order.
Will my account get banned or disabled?
No, our system is 100% safe and will not get your account banned or disabled. Not one of our thousands of customers has ever been banned as a result of using our services.
What payment methods can I use to check out?
We accept all major credit and debit cards (Visa, Discover, MasterCard, and American Express), PayPal, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and other Altcoins too.
Why can't I checkout with PayPal?
We accept all major credit and debit cards, PayPal is available periodically, or upon request and at our discretion for clients who placed multiple orders with us.
My credit card payment keeps getting declined, what should I do?
Some banks and card providers make it difficult for you to pay with your credit card online and in those scenarios we strongly recommend you complete your checkout using Coinbase, CoinPayments, or PayPal.
My order status is showing as fulfilled but I haven't received my services yet?
The "fulfilled" status on your order only means that your order has been approved by our team and we are currently processing it. After your order is marked as fulfilled, it is usually completed within a few hours with some services requiring an additional processing time of 12-24 hours.
Can I send you payment and have a debit balance?
Yes, you can. In fact, many of our clients choose to send us a one-time payment and then message us every-time they want a service. We automatically deduct the cost from their balance and save your new balance on your account for future use.
Send Paypal Payments to and then message us with your PayPal transaction ID. Please allow a few hours for an admin to process your request and make your funds available.
Why use Pay Social Media?
We are a highly skilled team with 8+ years of SEO and social media expertise. We have over 10 Million Instagram users in our network that we push your content too. Multiple admins are ready to provide 24/7 U.S.-based support.
My order was canceled, when will I be refunded?
When you place an order with us, we only place a temporary authorization for the amount of the services ordered, we only actually accept that payment after the service has been successfully delivered. When you get an order canceled or an email cancellation then we have already canceled the authorization so you were never charged. You will see the pending charge removed/disappear within 5-8 business days depending on your banks speed.
What does "Payment Voided" mean?
Is buying Instagram likes and followers worth it?
Absolutely! Buying high-quality Instagram likes and followers at our low prices is several times worth your money. Every penny you spend will bring you closer to the following you always wanted. Most of our clients reported an incredible increase in brand value, web traffic, and sales after using our services.
How do you get the correct YouTube comment link?
Find the timestamp that is located next to your username above your comment (for example: "3 days ago") and hover over it then right click and "Copy Link Address".
The link will be something like this: instead of just
To be sure that you got the correct link, paste it in your browser's address bar and you will see that the comment is now the first one below the video and it says "Highlighted comment".
What are Instagram Mentions and how are they used?
An Instagram Mention is when you mention someone on Instagram.
Example: You have mentioned @abc under this post and @abc will receive a notification to check the post.
For Instagram Mentions, put the link of your post and the username [their user followers] of the account that you want us to mention.
What are Instagram Impressions?
Impressions represent the reach of your post (how many users have seen your post). They are mostly used with brands who will ask you to show them statistics of the number of impressions your posts have.
What are Instagram Saves and what do they do?
Instagram saves are when a user saves a post to their history on Instagram (by pressing the save button near the like button). A high number of saves for a post increases its impressions.
When should I add Live Stream services links?
Add your links and place an order after you go live. You are welcome to message us before your live stream so we can have everything set up for you when you go live.